You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your khakis. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. What happens first is you can't sleep. What happens then is there's a gun in your mouth. And what happens next is you meet Tyler Durden. Let me tell you about Tyler. He had a plan. In Tyler we trusted. Tyler says the things you own, end up owning you. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. Fight Club represents that kind of freedom. First rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club. Tyler says self-improvement is masturbation. Tyler says self-destruction might be the answer.
Initial release: October 15, 1999 (USA)
Director: David Fincher
Screenplay: Jim Uhls
Story by: Chuck Palahniuk
Characters: Marla Singer, Robert 'Bob' Paulson, Tyler Durden, Intern, Angel Face,Airport Security Officer, Raymond K. Hessel, Richard Chesler, Group Leader #2,Group Leader #1, Weeping Woman,Inspector Dent, Thomas, Guy #2 in video store, Speaker, Airline Attendant,Champion Fighter #1, Seminary Student,Ricky, Chloe, Airport Valet, Restaurant Maitre'd, Fight Patron Saying 'What's going on?', Lou's Body Guard, Bruised Bar Patron #1, Desk Sergeant, Man in Suit,Chanting Fighter, Waiter at Clifton's,Proprietor of Dry Cleaners, Cop at Marla's Building, Fight Bully, Next Month's Opponent, Channel 4 Reporter, Car Salesman, Bar Worker saying "His name is Robert Paulsen", Detective Kevin,Walter, Detective Walker, BMW Salesman, Woman on Plane, Waiter #2,Man #2 at Auto Shop, Policeman,Bartender in Halo, Fight Spectator,Banquet Speaker, Fight Club Man #1,Steph, Hotel Desk Clerk, …
RATINGS - 8.9/10
RATINGS - 9.0/10
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